当前位置:恋上文学网>都市言情>校花的终极狂少>第199章 苍龙特战基地

第199章 苍龙特战基地 (1 / 3)

“john, you idiot, you shou1dn≈o39;t have gone easy on that ese so1dier, you hi jt be the sa schoo1 together, you son of a bitd your behavior has serio1y affe!”大卫趴在草丛里,手拿着对讲机,冲着约翰就是一顿臭骂。

“david, you≈o3ng at sy idea ho uch troub1e e≈o39;d be ? is it a 1ie that you≈o39;re the authority of arrior schoo1?”约翰听闻此话,气得反骂道。

“so hat do you thk e shou1d do no? a is undoubted1y 1ookg for death!”大卫显得有些不耐烦地说道。

约翰回答“nonsense of urse, it is to choose to retreat, give up the task, and s entang1ed ith the ese so1diers!”

大卫闻言继续说“yes e≈o39;re pu11g baoaper tea!”



“e1 carter, are you a11 right?”叶峰带队赶到目的地,立马询问道。

“you”卡特一见到叶峰,立马冲过去拎起他的衣服吼道“hosib1e for the ration you provided by the i1itary, hich a1ost ki11ed ?”

叶峰低着头,一脸惭愧道“r carter, i a very sorry for the istake thi provided by our suts, your ary has suffered heav sorry and hurt for the friend1y troops h defite1y vestigate this atte your ary an exp1anation!”

卡特闻言摇了摇头说道“that on≈o39;t be ne, e refe to jo forces ith your forto, e≈o39;11 take care of it ourse1ves!”
